Claus Hipp pessoa garante a produção de alimentos saudáveis que bom gosto e alta qualidade em harmonia com a natureza.
Hoje, HiPP é a maior processadora de matérias-primas biológicas / orgânicas em todo o mundo.
Desconto especial DIA DO PAI 9% em toda a loja
Compra minima de 69,00€
O seu cupão
My 6 week old girl was on Cow and Gate from birth but she ended up a very windy baby and crying intensely from trapped wind that we had to do alot of walking, body massage and leg exercises to help was so distressing to see her in that much pain so I started looking at changing her formula and Hipp has great reviews....within one day she is now a happy baby who can get her own wind out and no more crying, massage or leg exercises...this formula is truly amazing.
This is undoubtedly one of the best formulas I have given my children, they love it.