Tried this before when I was still in hi school and liked it. I’m not disappointed, love it. It helps the itchy, scratchy throat. Also dry mouth.
Compra minima de 69,00€
O seu cupão
Glicose, açúcar. Espessante: gelatina. Essências: mentol, eucaliptol, guaiaco, timol terpinol, Cores: amarelo quinolina, azul patenteado V. Advertências: contém vestígios de amido de trigo.
Os resultados podem variar de pessoa para pessoa. As avaliações dos clientes são independentes e não representam as opiniões da Carethy.
Tried this before when I was still in hi school and liked it. I’m not disappointed, love it. It helps the itchy, scratchy throat. Also dry mouth.