Sabonete anti-séptico para árvore de dentes 100 gr
Sabonete anti-séptico para árvore de dentes 100 gr

HealthAid Sabonete anti-séptico para árvore de dentes 100 gr

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Comentários dos clientes

5/5 22 Comentários
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4 Estrelas
3 Estrelas
2 Estrelas
1 Estrelas

Os resultados podem variar de pessoa para pessoa. As avaliações dos clientes são independentes e não representam as opiniões da Carethy.

All reviews

Larissa M.

Sabonete de melaleuca. Ação adstringente.

Edd B.

I love this soap. It has excellent duration and its price is unbeatable.

Andrew B.

I love this soap. I tried several soaps before finding quality.

Emma M.

I love what my skin looks like after using it some time ago, great attention.

Sebastian B.

Siempre he tenido la piel muy reseca, me gusta porque ahora la mantengo más hidratada que antes

Oscar G.

Me gusta mucho el jabón, tiene buenas propiedades y es tan efectivo como otros o incluso mucho mas

Elena C.

Lo recomiendo, tiene un aroma muy interesante y mantiene la piel limpia de gérmenes indeseados

Tammy C.

Lo uso especialmente para la cara, me gusta mantener mi cara sin manchas. Lo recomiendo

Katherine A.

My skin tends to dry and be irritated. It has been two weeks using this soap and has improved the situation effectively.

Santiago R.

No recomendaría otro jabón que no sea este,, creo que hice la mejor elección cuando lo compre

Daniel D.

Me parece increíble como ha desaparecido el eccema de mi piel, no porque el jabón lo cure propiamente sino porque me ayuda a cuidarme mucho mas

Felipe P.

Después de usarlo la piel queda exageradamente suave, primera vez que siento mi piel así. Me gusta

Wendy A.

My skin is a bit dry and this soap helped me solve that problem. I'll buy another one next month.

Luis N.

Desde que lo uso mi piel parece la de un bebe, sin manchas, sin marcas feas, me encanta

Amy P.

I have used this soap for several years. During these years I have worked wonderfully and I have never had the irritation on the skin.

Alberto R.

La verdad me parece excelente ha reducido enormemente la picazón que tenía en la piel, me gusta mucho

Savannah S.

Before buying this soap had a very dry skin but now in a matter of a week and the skin is hydrated as ever and no longer irritated.

Isabelle C.

It's excellent. It is much more comfortable than others that I have used. The attention was very nice.

Mackenzie R.

Excellent attention and service, my products arrived early.

Trisha W.

One of the best soaps I've bought so far. No one will regret having such wonderful results afterwards

Elena A.

It's a perfect soap to effectively eliminate dry skin, a soap that certainly deserves to be bought back.

Liliane K.

The ingredients of this soap helped to get rid of skin irritation. I feel super relieved.

Sabonete anti-séptico para árvore de dentes 100 gr

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